Yoga, Magick, and Esoteric Badassery | Escaping Samsara

It was a joy having this new conversation with Escaping Samsara! This is one of my all-time favorite discussions. Enjoy! Escaping Samsara: “One of my favorite episodes so far! In which we discussed many of my favorite subjects: perennialism and blending traditions, issues with exporting Asian traditions to the west, diet, esoteric yoga, and how…

Update On New Book Release

We are overwhelmed and incredibly inspired by the phenomenal response to the Pre-Order of the Deluxe edition of my new book for Gateway Publications – Desert Meditations: Gnostic Cartography (A Handbook ot Agni Yoga)! The beautiful Deluxe Edition should be shipping very soon in March! – Due to the strong response – we are extending…