The Desert Flame Technique

The fine gentlemen at Magick.TV.  have created an infographic outlining a practice that we discussed during my appearance on their videocast. The Desert Flame Technique is a powerful method of transforming fear into productive energy – the fellows at Magick.TV even describe it as “a game changer for everyone!!!” CLICK HERE to watch Magick.TV Episode 3:…

Beautiful Karma – Dusty Hill (1949-2021)

This what I remember of legend Dusty Hill… As a child, around I believe 1976-1977 my family lived next door to Dusty Hill in Texas. At that point ZZ Top had not reached their massive success and were merely local celebrities. Dusty would always invite me over to swim in his pool with other kids…

What Do These Writings Mean to You? A Short Sermon to the Dead

While I was completing my undergraduate degree in Religious Studies at Louisiana State University, I had the joy of studying closely with Jungian scholar Robert Segal. Professor Segal at that time was a force of nature. He would demand students read all of the literature and be ready to deeply engage with the writings every…

Phone Calls From the Dead

 “I am no longer particularly interested in the manifestations of the phenomenon. I am pursuing the source of the phenomenon itself. To do this, I had objectively divorced myself from all the popular frames of reference. I am not concerned with beliefs but with the cosmic mechanism which has generated and perpetuated those beliefs.” – John…

Life Technology – A Commentary on the Bhagavad Gita

It was an honor to join Christie Smirl of Healthier Vibrations to discuss some of the key ideas that make the Bhagavad Gita one of the most important texts of our time! – If you enjoy our conversation here, don’t miss our upcoming live four part online education series – Bhagavad Gita: Teachings for Transformation!…

Conquering Illusion – An aid for travelers lost in modernity’s mirage | Excerpt from Entering the Desert: Pilgrimage to the Hinterlands of the Soul

The concept of illusion is perhaps the most fundamental idea in Eastern Gnosticism. The entire philosophical and theological foundation of Eastern perception is to differentiate the real from the unreal, truth from falsehood, reality from illusion, the “rope from the snake.” The modern age moves in a decidedly different direction, secular and religious alike. The…

Transmission: Even Hell Itself is a Dwelling Place

“Even Hell itself is a dwelling place.” ( Jigoku mo sumika) Japanese culture is rife with allusions to ghostly worlds and intimations of the Land of the Dead bleeding into the mundane world of “reality.” The tradition of Buddhism also seeps into almost every aspect of Japanese life, exoteric and esoteric. One of most interesting…

Transmission: The Instrumentation Used is Supreme as Death

Now we are concerned with the true semance Ghuede…….the induction of Ojas into the brain has been preserved….thusly the high-priest of this cultus always believed in how magickal machines work because the instrumentation used is supreme as death….. The Radionic Cult of Guede Loa Ghuede of Monday shall collect all the magickal vesture of his…

Transmission: Trance Realities

“Nine tenths of the news, as printed in the papers, is pseudo-news, manufactured events. Some days ten tenths. The ritual morning trance, in which one scans columns of newsprint, creates a peculiar form of generalized pseudo-attention to a pseudo-reality. This experience is taken seriously. It is one’s daily immersion in ‘reality.’ One’s orientation to the…