The Ritual of Life – A Pathway to Return

The world is filled with magic if one has the eyes to see. Nuances of color and light reveal their cosmic whispers as the seasons ebb and flow, luscious fertile essences are manifested in the waxing and waning of the moon and the rising and setting of the sun. The systole and diastole of the…

The Reality of Sacrifice

The promise of everything. This is the ghost which haunts the mind of the modern man / woman. Yet as is the case with most hauntings, upon investigation substance gives way to emptiness. “You can have it all!” promises the media, memes, blogs, and motivational speakers. But is this an honest statement? The modern shibboleth…

Transmission: Technological Mirage

 “Those already conditioned from infancy by school training and tutelage to regard megatechnics as the highest point in man’s ‘conquest of nature,’ will accept this totalitarian control of their own development not as a horrid sacrifice but as a highly desirable fulfillment, looking forward to being constantly attached to the Big Brain, as they are…

The Hidden Solar Pools of Agni – Working With the Sacred Flame

Perhaps the most universal concept in all systems of spiritual praxis is the sacred flame.  The incendiary imagery of the flame is an apt metaphor for an almost unlimited range of themes ranging from the guiding light of inspiration to the metabolic function of digestion. The medical system of Ayurveda cherishes and worships the sacred…

Pathways to Mastery

Some of the best memories of my youth are the seemingly endless hours of games on the soccer pitch. Growing up in the states, I had the rare opportunity of having a European coach, one who scolded me when I called it soccer: “you mean football don’t you Mr. Williams” would be his constant jab….

Transmission: Time

“No one can tell how long it will take for a man to learn nature’s secrets. Some fortunates have attained this knowledge early, some in advanced old age. A true inquirer never grows old, every eternal yearning lies outside the term of life, and the more the outer husk fades, the brighter, clearer, and richer…

The Metaphysics of Pain and the Language of the Body

  “Pain is one of the keys to unlock man’s innermost being as well as the world. Whenever one approaches the points where man proves himself to be equal or superior to pain, one gains access to the sources of his power and the secret hidden behind his dominion. Tell me your relation to pain,…

Transmission: The Priest

“In the immense cathedral which is the universe of God, every person, whether scholar or manual laborer, is called to act as the priest of his or her whole life—to take all that is human, and to turn it into an offering and a hymn of glory.” Paul Evdokimov In times of turmoil and turbulence…