Like Honey That Has Crystallized and Hardened

Sri Hari is more mysterious than most can imagine. For example, in many Tantric streams the Presence of Sri Hari is withdrawn. His radiant sweet Rasa is like honey that has crystallized and hardened. Over time the exposure to the tapas of Shakti slowly melts this Rasa on the tongue of the devotee and once…

Poetry and Paradox – a discussion with Craig Williams |Agnosia Podcast

It was a pleasure to discuss my work with Augustin Reyes for his new Agnosia Podcast series. “A discussion with author Craig Williams primarily about his works ‘Entering the Desert: Pilgrimage into the Hinterlands of the Soul’ and ‘Cult of Golgotha’. We additionally discuss concepts from Running, Martial Arts, Chinese Medicine, poetry, and paradox.”

Igniting the Sacraments

“The sacred flame of Agni awakens and purifies the Sacramental Libido allowing the alchemical transformation to occur in the body and blood of the celebrant. This in turn ignites the sacraments causing the bread and wine to become cosmic nourishment.” – Desert Meditations: Gnostic Cartography (Coming Soon from Anathema Publishing)

The Path of Sadhana

It’s very easy to claim success on the path of Yoga. Anyone can make a claim. But the proof is revealed in the reflection of the consciousness of the Sadhaka. This is mirrored as well on the path of Bhakti. Anyone can make claims and dress up in outfits claiming pure devotion. Yet these paths…

Spring Unfolds

“Days I don’t enjoy: any day I don’t walk, drink sake, and compose haiku.” – Taneda Santōka Sitting in Oblivion, Your name on my tongue, Spring unfolds as my breath returns to the Source. – Indra Ram-Das Aghori / Sri Subhagananda Nath