Aghor Gnosis: The Role of Aghoric Perception Within Tantric Physics and the Cult of Golgotha – Details for an Upcoming Talk at Black Flame Montreal

The radical non-discriminatory perception of the Aghor path envisions the Flame of the Numinous within everyone and everything eschewing all distinctions of purity / impurity held within traditional and contemporary morality. The Aghor path does not seek to escape human emotions / experience, trafficking with daemonic intelligences, or exploring darker dimensional Doorways. The Night Vision…

Dangerous Medicine | Tantric Physics

“The difference between a Kamsa, who tried to kill Him, and a Kuchela, who worshipped Him, is slight indeed. One approached Him with hatred and the other with love, but both thought of Him constantly and were thus rewarded with Moksha, or liberation. An object of mortal dread and antagonism can produce as much absorption…