Bhairavi, The Fierce One – Merciless Pathways | Names of the Dark Goddess

“She exists in the forms of sleep, lack of memory, illusion, and dullness in creatures immersed in the illusion of the world, but among the Yogis She becomes the power that destroys all thoughts, indeed Samadhi itself!”  – Ganapati Muni – “He who by discernment has effaced all objectivity is one established in the Reality…

The Heart of the Matter – Observe Nature’s Simple Way

“Some people are born with good physiques, a sense of speed and a lot of stamina. That’s fine. But in the martial arts, everything you learn is an acquired skill. Absorbing a martial art is like the experience of Buddhism. The feeling for it comes from the heart. You have the dedication to get what…

Transmission: The Instrumentation Used is Supreme as Death

Now we are concerned with the true semance Ghuede…….the induction of Ojas into the brain has been preserved….thusly the high-priest of this cultus always believed in how magickal machines work because the instrumentation used is supreme as death….. The Radionic Cult of Guede Loa Ghuede of Monday shall collect all the magickal vesture of his…

Transmission: Trance Realities

“Nine tenths of the news, as printed in the papers, is pseudo-news, manufactured events. Some days ten tenths. The ritual morning trance, in which one scans columns of newsprint, creates a peculiar form of generalized pseudo-attention to a pseudo-reality. This experience is taken seriously. It is one’s daily immersion in ‘reality.’ One’s orientation to the…

Danger is a Very Rare Commodity

One of the most interesting entries found within the pages of “Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai” is as follows: The Way of the Samurai is found in death. When it comes to either / or, there is only the quick choice of death. It is not particularly difficult. Be determined and advance. To say…