The Clouds of Maya

“As one moves closer to uncovering the elemental radiance of Agni, a taste for paradoxical ambiguity awakens. This Rasa spontaneously manifests as the perceptual light of the Mana-Agni melts away the clouds of Maya obscuring the Sacramental Vision.” – Desert Meditations: Gnostic Cartography (A Handbook of Agni Yoga) (Anathema Publishing,2023)

Light Within The Shadows

“The aghora seeks the light within the shadows and darkness, areas which are repressed and forbidden to the majority. Once discovered, this light-hidden-in-darkness can be released and transmitted via yogic sadhana to clear away all traces of Maya and avidya (which cloud the lens of Bhakti). The Bhakti yoga and non-discriminatory awareness of the Aghora…

Preview – Paperback Cover for Tantric Physics Vol. 1 and 2

Anathema Publishing, Ltd. has released a teaser cover design for the paperback reissue of Tantric Physics Volume 1 & 2, scheduled for publication later this year! Tantric Physics will be the third publication to come out in a paperback edition – with Entering the Desert and Cult of Golgotha currently available to purchase on the…

A True Warrior – Honoring Dr. John Cheng

I was deeply saddened to hear the news of the passing of Dr. John Cheng. He was a close friend of Sifu Hughes and many others in the Iron Mantis family, therefore I consider Dr. Cheng Kung Fu family. His absence will be felt in the hearts of all who loved him. A true Warrior!…

Ambient Bhakti – Agni and Devotional Resonance

“By revering Agni, we create an atmosphere of Ambient Bhakti wherein every act becomes sacramental. Any action undertaken within this atmosphere becomes saturated with a devotional resonance which can purify the awareness of any sectarian obfuscation.” – Desert Meditations: Gnostic Cartography – A Handbook of Agni Yoga (Anathema Publishing, 2023)

Three Treasures

The human life is an unpredictable game of cherishing Three Treasures. To discover the White within the Black. To gaze upon the White Moon on the Mountain Peak. Three barriers crossed. How lucky we are for this human incarnation… – Indra Ram-Das Aghori / Sri Subhagananda Nath